SAHARA: Service Architecture for Heterogeneous Access, Resources, and Applications

Winter 2004 Retreat

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Monday, 12 Jan 2004
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1500 Session I: Overview and Status
       Randy Katz:  Introductions and Retreat Overview,
       Anthony JosephGriffin Status,
       Ion Stoica:  i3 Status
       Sharad Agarwal, "The Interaction of BGP and Intradomain Traffic"
1500-1530 Break
1530-1700 Session II: Dependability and Trustworthiness
       Matt Caesar: "Root Cause Analysis of BGP routing dynamics"=
       Lakshmi Subramanian: "Verification in Routing Protocols"
       Sridhar Machiraju: "Reconciling Confidentiality with Cooperation in Interdomain Routing"
1700-1800 Break
1800-1930 Dinner
1930-2100 Panel Session: A Research Program in Reliable Adaptive Distributed Systems (RADS)
           (David Patterson, Armando Fox, Ion Stoica, Michael Jordan, Doug Tygar)
2100  Evening Socializing

Tuesday, 13 Jan 2004
0730-0830 Breakfast
0830-1000 OASIS Edge Services
       Mel Tsai: "The RouterVM Architecture"
       George Porter,: "Stream Processing in PNEs"
       Weidong Cui: "Collaborative Online Passive Monitoring for Internet Quarantine[pdf]
       Fang Yu: "Gigabit Rate Multiple-Pattern Matching with TCAM"
1000-1030 Break
1030-1200 Overlay Networks I
       Mukund Seshadri: "Dynamics of End-Host Controlled Routing"
       Ananth Rao: "Scheduling transmissions in 802.11 networks"
       Steve Czerwinski: "Using Overlay Networks for Proximity-based Discovery"
1200-1700 Bag Lunch and Afternoon Snow Sports (or work, lounge, talk, relax, etc.)
1700-1830 Overlay Networks II
       Panel Session of Short Student Talks and Following Discussion
       Karthik Lakshminarayanan: "Routing as a Service"
       Ben Zhao: "Infrastructure-based Resilient Routing"
       Sean Rhea: Positive Feedback Loops in DHTs (paper)
1830-2000 Dinner, Paul Brett, Real world system failures - A systemic view
2000-2130 Student Poster Session
2130      Evening Socializing

Wednesday, 14 Jan 2004
0730-0830 Breakfast
0830-0930 RADS Feedback from Industry
0930-1000 Break and Room Checkout
1000-1200 Individual Project Feedback
1200-1300 Lunch
1300      Depart Granlibakken
1700      Arrive Berkeley